Monday, June 23, 2014

My Daily Prayer

This is a prayer that I have been praying for several years. Sometimes I say it once or twice a day. Other times I have prayed it hundreds of times a day. Here is the prayer again so you can look at the scriptures references, look at the scriptures and meditate on them.  They can become water to your soul.  My prayer is that you can begin to believe and own the truth that is this prayer.

Lord Your word says

That I can call you Father - Romans 8:14-17
I am Your child - John 1:12
You will never leave me or forsake me - Deuteronomy 31:6
You will not give me more than I can handle - 1 Corinthians 10:13
You will always be with me - Joshua 1:9
Nothing will ever separate me from Your love - Romans 8:31-39
I don't have to worry because you will take care of my needs - Matthew 6:26-34

Father help me today to believe and experience these truths.  I choose to believe them - they are truth and not just a cliche.  Help me to live in the constant awareness that you are with me. Amen

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