Monday, May 5, 2014

Does Stress Manage You?

The last several days have been very stressful.  Stress doesn't always come from bad things.  You see stress is created from positive as well as negative things in our lives.  Positive stress from advancement or new opportunities is hard to call bad, but it still has an effect on us.  
The body doesn't know the difference.  In stress the heart rate and blood pressure goes up.  The pancreas regulates sugar differently to produce or regulate energy.  Concentration is harder and we become hyper vigilant.  These things and much more happen from stress good or bad.  Your ability to manage and direct stress will have a significant effect on your life.  

Here are six ways that can get you on the road to managing stress better.  

  1. Learn What You Can Control and What You Can't - the only thing you can control is yourself.  You are 100% in control of yourself - 0% in control of anyone else.  Spend the energy you have  on your self care and control.    
  2. Set Good Boundaries - Learn your time and emotional boundaries.  The best way to understand boundaries is to use the metaphor of your house.  You only let certain people past the front porch and only a smaller number of people have refrigerator rights, and even less can come into your bedroom.  Learn who those people are and become comfortable with NO.  
  3. Manage Big 4
    1. manage your sleep patterns.  If you have less than six hours your body and brain don't have enough time to repair and recharge.  
    2. exercise - The goal should be 30 min at least 3 times a week. The physical and emotional benefits are great.
    3. pleasure - Try to doing something at least once a week that time stands still why you are doing it.  Pleasure that you are so engrossed in that time seems to stand still is great way to build creativity and better health.  
    4. nutrition - Focus on less carbs, sugar or processed foods.  
  4. Time or Priority Management - you can't manage time.  You have to manage priorities. Not everything should be a number one priority.
  5. Live in What you Love - You have a sweet spot where time stands still and your heart sings. Look at things like Strengths Finder or a personality test to help you discover what makes you tick.  
  6. Journal - sometimes stress increases because you can't process an emotional situation.  Use a journal to help you to understand yourself and express your feelings and needs.  
Here are some other areas I will try to explore later to help manage stress: Relaxation, Mindfulness, Positive Self Talk, and Learn organization techniques.  

What have you done to manage stress?  

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