On April 30th, I ran The Music City Half Marathon in 3 hours and 43 min, that is 17 min to spare before the time limit. Their were many people younger and older that finished before me, but I am pleased with the results. It was surpriseing how much I enjoyed the whole experience, I finished it with more energy and enjoyment than I thought it would. My goal is to do it again next year also. I find that I work better with goals. Five months ago I was 45 lbs heavier and the only thing I ran to was a buffet. I am so exicted at how God has used this catalyst to begin a journey of change with my health and life. Thank you so much for your kind words, support and prayers.
I decided to do the run for two reasons. My 1st reason was to change my own lifestyle. Just like the clients that come to us for help change is a difficult process of commitment and consistency. The second reason was to raise awareness about our counseling center’s mission and to increase our counseling centers ability to help others change their lives.
I wanted ask you agian to please consider helping with your prayers and financial support. Every gift matters regardless of the financial amount. Whether it is $10 of $10,000 your gift will make a difference in our ability to help others. Many of you have given and thank you so much. Your support means so much to me.
Whether you can give or not please make us a focus of your prayers. Every week over four hundred (400) individuals and families come into our doors looking for answers and help, your prayers are a vital part of creating the path out of their pain. If you would like to learn more about the center look at www.lighthouselifeskills.com/
Thanks so much for all of your help and encouragement.